Plenary Recording - 74th Annual Conference

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Why do you keep returning to NYSCA?

This is part of the phone calls interview series. Interviewees were asked why they keep coming to NYSCA year after year.

Interviewees include: Susan Drucker, Corey Liberman, Mike Plugh, Doug Strahler and Anastacia Kurylo

Oral Histories

The following are various segments and ongoing oral history recordings. Stop back to see more as they get uploaded.

NYSCA Stories

Part of the phone interview series - What is a fond memory from a conference?

Interviewees include Mike Plugh, Susan Drucker, Corey Leiberman, Anastacia Kurylo, and Doug Strahler

First time at NYSCA

Part of the phone interview series - What is your first NYSCA memory?

Interviewees are Mike Plugh, Susan Drucker, Doug Strahler, and Cheryl Casey